Wednesday, December 2, 2009

DS Ponders the Origins of the Human Race

DS is an inquisitive littel 5 YO.
For the 2nd time he asked me how we got grown-ups, if they weren't in mommy's belly first.
He really seems to be struggling with the idea of what came first, the chicken or the egg. But on a more human scale.
Not sure how to answer the question.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Working late. Again.

But, I did manage to do Day 3 of the 30 day shred. I may not do it every day, but by golly, I'm sure gonna try to do it every other day. I've either got to go shopping or lose weight. I vote for losing weight.

DS has whole conversations with me on the phone. It's kind of cool. He went from merely parrotting (parottig? parrotting?) whatever dad told him to say, to actually having a back and forth conversation. How was your day? Chase built a huge Lego ship. That sort of thing. Kind of cool.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Catching Up

So, what has been happening since September?
DH had is second hip replacement surgery. Two weeks earlier than expected, but that's fine.
MIL is here helping out; I kind of wish she would move in with us permanently. She does laundry. And my children adore her.
We went to Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg, VA. The kids had a BLAST. Then we drove up to NY for MIL's surprise 70th birthday party.

DS is in transitional kindergarten. He's blossoming. I don't worry too much about homework. He has to repeat kindergarten anyway, so why have him be bored? And he has years of homework ahead of him.

DD is kind of freaking me out. She's 3.5 and seems to be very advanced. I may keep the two of them in different schools. I think DD will need a talented and gifted program. DS, on the other hand, is a perfectly normal 5 YO boy. I do not want to set him up for a lifetime of underachieving b/c why bother if his sister is always so good at everything. I want him to shine.
At the same time, I don't want to hold DD back. She needs to shine too.

UGH. The thought of dealing with 2 different schools is maddening.

DD wrote her name backwards, then held the paper up to the light so that she could read it the right way. She's 3.5. I'm just saying.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Great weekend.

We had a great weekend.
Some good friends and I (and DH!) went to the They Might Be Giants children's concert. We thought it was going to rain, but it held off just fine.
DS was a dancing machine! Who would've ever guessed.
DD was more interested in rolling down the hill than the music.
Good food, good wine, good friends, and happy children. What else is there?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kindergarten, snapping and hamburgers

DS has learned to snap his fingers! He says he taught himself, which is entirely possible since no one in this house taught him.
DS also started transitional kindergarten a couple weeks ago. We aren't really making a big deal about the whole kindergarten thing. He misses the cut off to start in public school, and we're going to put him in public kindergarten next year. That is when we'll make a big deal about it all. I r.e.f.u.s.e. to have him do homework now. He isn't even 5 yet, and he'll have plenty of time to do homework. I want school to be fun riht now.
DD mispronounces hamburger. She says 'hangeber'.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

DS Wrote a Book

DS "wrote" a book yesterday. It's basically just random letters written across 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper. DH and DS folded and taped them together so they would look like a book.
I caught DS "reading" his book to his little sister today.
So totally cute.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


DD is now afraid of bathrooms. And it is my fault.

While driving to our Disney Christmas Vacay, the sweet little punkin' had to potty. Anyone who has travelled I-95 has seen the signs for South of the Border. Personally, I think this place is a disgusting tourist trap. It was, of course, the only place we could stop since DD had to go NOW.

There were at least 2 tour buses and only one ladies room (it had multiple stalls, but when there are 800 million women who need to go to the bathroom, it doesn't matter). I hold my 2YO DD like a shield and rudely push my way to the front. There is standing water throughout the entire bathroom. I wipe off the seat and put her down. She does her business. I sit down and do my business. I stand up to button up and turn around. HER HANDS ARE IN THE TOILET!!!!!!! I shriek like a madwoman; fly to the nearest sink and commence rinsing off her hands. Of course there is no soap. DD is crying b/c I've scared her out of her mind. I whip out the Purell and douse her hands. I think I put so much on her that there were pieces of skin hanging off.

The next time she had to go potty I told her to stand there and put her hands on her tummy while she waits for mommy. Now everytime we go to a public potty, she solemnly informs me that "I not touch anything. Hands on tummy."